Summer Information & Back-to-School '24-'25 Details
This page will be updated throughout the Summer of 2024 to assist students, parents, and families with preparing for the 2024-2025 academic year. Please check back frequently and be sure to check your email inboxes for important information as it relates to the start of school. Thank you!
The first day of school at Warwick Neck Elementary, and all Warwick Schools, is Thursday, August 29, 2024.
Warwick Neck Suggested School Supply List
Warwick School Bus Routes / Stops (Subject to Change)
School Year (2024-25) District Calendar
Register for Before and After-School Care at Warwick Neck
Summer Hours
Warwick Neck's offices will reopen for preparations relating to the 2024-2025 school year on Wednesday, August 14, 2024. Please call ahead if you plan to stop by to ensure we are available to assist you; we may be temporarily off-site for trainings and workshops at times when the offices are open.
Summer News from the Principal
Please note that the Principal will be sending additional letters and updates to parents/guardians during the mid and late summer as things are confirmed and finalized to keep families routinely informed of school happenings.
Letters to the community will be posted here as they are emailed out.
End-of-Summer / Welcome Back Letter - Thu., Aug. 22, 2024
Mid-Summer Updates Letter - Mon., July 29, 2024
Early Summer Updates Letter - Mon., July 1, 2024
Helpful resources to prepare for the new year
Preparing for a new school year - Suggested strategies for parents
Please ensure your information is current on the Aspen home-school portal, especially if you are new to our school, as this will be the email used to contact you over the school year. Thank you!
Summer Renovations to Warwick Neck
The second phase of renovations to the Warwick Neck School building have begun as of Friday, June 21st. Plans are currently running on-time and are anticipated to be finished prior to August 29, 2024 (First Day of Classes).
This summer, the building will be completing ADA-upgrades (handicap accessibility), which include: installation of an elevator to provide better access to all three floors of the building, along with upgrades to the school's lavatories and sinks. The front parking lot will also be repaved and new landscaping will be featured to enhance the Warwick Neck grounds.
Unlike during construction last year, the school offices will be operation on the school premises until their summer closure on Wednesday, July 3rd and will reopen on Wednesday, August 14, 2024. (For safety, visitors are not permitted to tour or walk beyond the Main Office area while summer construction is underway. All new and returning families will have an opportunity to tour the school at our Open House in September.) Please call ahead if you plan to stop by to ensure we are available; we may be temporarily off-site at times for trainings and workshops.
Summer Chrome book Repairs
Chrome books for Warwick Neck School students in need of repairs, updates, or adjustments can be brought to Warwick Veterans Memorial Middle School (Front Entrance), Monday through Friday, between 9AM and 12 PM.
When bringing the chrome book for repairs or updates, please fill out a repair form (available on site) that will be left with the Chrome book. Be sure to include the student’s name, a description of the problem, and best phone number to reach you once the repair is complete. Thank you!
Summer Learning (Reading and Math) for all K-5 Students:
Summer learning and assignments are given to all students moving on to Grades 1-6.
Summer learning links have since been turned off due to the Aspen system roll-over for 2024-25. Enjoy the remaining days of summer vacation!
Summer Reading Challenge at Warwick Pub. Libraries
All classes and grade-levels were visited at Warwick Neck on Friday, June 7th with a presentation from the Warwick Libraries.
Click here to view information relayed to them, and learn how they can earn prizes, simply by reading this summer!
Free Summer Meals for Kids and Teens
Please note this service is not available during inclement weather days and is not offered on July 4th (Independence Day) and August 12th (Victory Day in RI).
There are two (2) locations to pick up free lunch for school-aged kids and teens:
Conimicut Library, 55 Beach Avenue, Warwick, RI 02889
Monday - Friday, 12:30 - 1:15 PM
Oakland Beach School, 383 Oakland Beach Avenue, Warwick, RI 02889
(Food will be distributed at the baseball field across the street from the school)
Monday - Friday, 11:15 AM - 12 PM
Have questions? Please email foodservice@warwickschools.org.
Important School-Year Information and Dates to note:
1.) Please label all of your student’s supplies and belongings before the First Day of School with their name. A suggested list of school supplies can be found here. (Note: In any school - public, private, or parochial - children will act their age. Parents are asked to use discretion and avoid sending their child to school with sentimental, fragile, or expensive items.)
2.) For our recent graduates of 5th grade, an Orientation to Veterans Middle School will be offered on Thursday, August 22, 2024 at 5 PM. Food trucks, information tables, and an opportunity to meet Mr. Goss, the Principal, will be provided to families.
3.) For incoming Kindergarteners, a Spring Orientation, known as "KIDS Day" was offered in late-May to all families registered at that time for Fall, 2024. If you are new to our school as a Kindergarten family, you can learn more about our recent Spring Orientation, or the start to their Kindergarten experience, here. (Note: A mini "meet and greet" will be held on Tuesday, August 27th at 1 PM - in back of Warwick Neck School and not the front due to ongoing summer construction. This second orientation is usually very brief -- about 10-15 minutes or so -- and is intended for the children to drop off supplies and meet their teachers. Kindergarten families are asked to consult their email for further information sent by Mr. Galligan, our Principal, on Tuesday, August 20th.)
4.) The First Day of School is scheduled for Thursday, August 29, 2024. A complete calendar for the 2024-2025 year can be accessed here.
5.) Our Fall Open House and "Meet the Teachers" Night is scheduled, for Tuesday, September 17th at 6 PM. This is a great evening to meet your child(ren)’s teacher(s), related staff, and our principal. Attendees will also have a chance to connect with other parents/guardians through the PTA and learn more about our year ahead.
6.) NEW!! Sign up for before and after-school care at Warwick Neck for the 2024-25 year! Learn more about this wonderful opportunity, being provided by Alpha-BEST, a nationally-recognized organization, here.
7.) See the complete faculty and staff list (photo directory) for Warwick Neck School here -- or access a non-photo paper based copy, for downloading and easy offline reference, here. Finalized class assignments will be made available to families on the first day of school; the reason for this is that class assignments are in constant fluctuation during the summer months due to enrollment changes, social and emotional dynamics, and items around contractual obligations with the Warwick Teachers Union. As a result, and to avoid disappointments, please do not go off of what is listed on Aspen or Clever during the final weeks of August - up to and including before school on the morning of Thursday, August 29th since the assignment could change. The finalized class lists will be made available to families and students upon arrival the first day of school (Thurs., Aug. 29th) as the kids arrive.
8.) Summer Hours: The school's offices have reopened as of Wednesday, August 14th at 9AM. If you plan to stop by, please call ahead as our office staff and administrators may be off-site for trainings and workshops.
9.) New to Warwick Neck? Be sure to join our PTA Facebook page for all the latest news, events, and things to look forward to this year!
Have a safe, happy, and restful summer!
See you on August 29, 2024!
Click here to return to the home screen -- Or, stay 'in the know' with our complete calendar of events for the 2024-2025 year at Warwick Neck here.