Health Guidelines & Forms for School

When is "sick" considered "too sick" to be in school?

Our school nurse, Mrs. Pfeiler, has provided a helpful guide to know when, or when not, to send your child into school for the day.

What are the current requirements for COVID, the Flu, or other viruses?

The public health emergency surrounding COVID-19 has ended and the virus is, thankfully, no longer a serious concern for schools and greater society. However, the virus is still prevalent, along with the Flu and other illnesses.

Therefore, it is advised that a common sense approach is taken relating to illnesses - especially as they relate to school attendance or participation in community events - to help keep everyone healthy and feeling their best.

Please refer to the helpful guide from Mrs. Pfeiler above. Additionally, we have provided a graphic below from the RI Department of Health to assist in preventing illnesses and staying healthy. As always, students should be kept home if they are not feeling well.

Health Forms

Pertinent, health-related information for Parents / Guardians

Parents and guardians are asked to contact the health office at (401) 734-3480, extension 4, if you are unable to view and/or print any form, letter, or piece of information on this page.

Have questions!? Mrs. Pfeiler, our full-time school nurse-teacher, is available to answer questions regarding policies or procedures through the health office, which is open school days from 9 AM until 3:10 PM. After hours, please reach out to your child's pediatrician or the RI Department of Health at (401) 222-8022.

School Nurse Contact:
Mrs. Joanne Pfeiler, RN, M.Ed.
(401) 734-3480 (and select option '4')

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