Distance Learning Days

Distance Learning (DL) Days may be offered due to inclement weather or other emergencies that necessitate the sudden closure of Warwick Neck School.
Per the RI Department of Education, these days may be offered in lieu of traditional snow days and count towards the required number of 180 instructional days each year. (Please note that Distance Learning days are no longer offered for illness-related reasons, such as COVID.)
2024-2025 Distance Learning Day Expectations:
The following are procedures - handed down to all schools from the Elementary Office in Warwick - in case a Distance Learning Day is called due to inclement weather or emergencies.
-- To be marked "present", attendance will be taken for all students during their first online class, which begins at 9AM. (Note: If students arrive late, they will be marked "tardy". If they do not attend any subsequent class meets thereafter, they will be marked with an "early dismissal" in the same manner as if in-person learning at school was underway.)
-- Teachers will provide on-screen instruction over the course of three (3) live Google Meets; these meets will be broken up throughout the day (between 9 AM and 3:10 PM) as it follows the typical day's schedule in school. Schedules and individual instructions for the day will be provided by the teachers to students/families.
-- In between on-screen classes, students will complete work and have their lunch/recess break.
-- If students have an intervention class normally scheduled (such as Reading, Math, or Resource support), or an itinerant class (Art, Music, Physical Education, etc.), they will be undertaking these, as well.
-- All students have been shown how to access their online classes by their teachers. (For security reasons, this information and the respective links of classrooms are not published online.)
-- Parents or students with questions throughout the day relating to work or accessing online classes should reach out to the respective teacher(s) via email. See the complete faculty and staff list (photo directory) for Warwick Neck School here -- or access a non-photo paper based copy, for downloading and easy offline reference, here.