Welcome to Kindergarten at Warwick Neck!

We're eager to meet our newest Wildcats!
If you've already registered for 2024-2025, that's great! If you haven't registered yet, please consider doing so now -- and rest easy over the summer knowing you have already started the first step on your next big adventure! Please contact the Central Registration Office to schedule an appointment: (401) 734-3040 or by emailing them here.
K.I.D.S. Day 2024!
Warwick Neck Elementary School was excited to welcome our newest Wildcats and their families (those registered prior to May, 2024) on Wednesday, May 22, 2024 at 9:30 AM for a special Spring Orientation - known as K.I.D.S. Day ("Kindergarten Immersion and Discovery of School").
During that time, students were introduced to our Kindergarten team, as well as the dedicated faculty and staff who will be here to help guide and support our students over the course of next year.
Parents, guardians, and families also had a chance to gather important information to be ready for the first day of classes with various school and district officials.
Various informational tables and associated representatives were available and are highlighted below....
1.) Interested in being a chaperone or volunteer for your child's Kindergarten classroom? Visit the Volunteers of Warwick Schools website.
2.) Want to get involved in special events or activities at Warwick Neck with your child? Visit our Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) page here.
3.) The School Nurse also requested a medical history form, for each child, from the parents. Have questions beyond the KIDS Day Orientation or before the first day of classes? Email Mrs. Joanne Pfeiler, our school nurse, here.
Links to K.I.D.S. Day handouts and other resources:
'24-25 Suggested List of Back-to-School Supplies
Welcome Letter from the Principal
Welcome Letter from the PTA President
'24-25 School Year Overview Calendar
Did you miss the KIDS Day Orientation in May? No worries! We will have an additional, mini meet-and-greet prior to the First Day of School on Tuesday, August 27th at 1 PM (outside, in back of Warwick Neck School -- please use Rocky Point Avenue to access this area as the front of the school is closed due to ongoing summer construction projects). This is an opportunity for the children to meet their teacher for 10-15 minutes and drop-off supplies to ensure a great start to the year. Only those families registered before then will receive information via email. So, please be sure that you have registered with current information so we may easily contact you.
Start of School -- Fall 2024
The First Day of School is Thursday, August 29, 2024. Our 2024-2025 overview calendar may be viewed here. (Note: A separate calendar of special events will be released to all school families, once plans are finalized, in the Fall.)
Once again, we will have an additional, mini meet-and-greet prior to the First Day of School on Tuesday, August 20th at 1 PM (outside, in back of Warwick Neck School -- please use Rocky Point Avenue to access this area as the front of the school is closed due to ongoing summer construction projects). This is an opportunity for the children to meet their teacher for 10-15 minutes and drop-off supplies to ensure a great start to the year. Only those families registered before then will receive information via email. So, please be sure that you have registered with current information so we may easily contact you.
See the complete faculty and staff list (photo directory) for Warwick Neck School here -- or access a non-photo paper based copy, for downloading and easy offline reference, here.
The district provides all of the necessary supplies children need to be successful in school. However, we realize that some families may wish to add on additional items. You may view the suggested supplies for Kindergarten here.
Is your child possibly taking the school bus? Our transportation department will be reaching out via email with your child's assigned bus stop prior to the First Day of School. To gain a sense of where these stops are located right now --- and your potential spot, you may want to view this year's information here.
Learn more about the engaging curriculum and dynamic programming of our Kindergarten classrooms here.
Parent & Family Involvement
Parents, guardians, and families are invited to become members of our school's Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) - recently designated as a "National PTA School of Excellence!" Discover more about this hard working group of adults who strive to make the student and family experience better at Warwick Neck School here!
(Note: Any volunteers in school or active members of the PTA must complete a criminal background check (BCI) and provide the results in hard-copy to the school office. Any Warwick Police Station can help complete it, or you may undertake this process through the Volunteers of Warwick Schools.)
More Information
This page is intended to be merely a guide and provide a basic overview of what to expect. Also, some of the above information is subject to change as circumstances warrant. Although we make every effort to keep our website current and up-to-the-minute, please be sure to check your email for frequent updates -- and more concrete details -- that will be relayed as the First Day of School approaches.
Additionally, you will find a wealth of information underneath the "parents" tab on the menu of our school website.
Want to know more? View the official page created by Warwick Public Schools that covers preparing for Kindergarten here.
Still have questions or wish to learn more about our Kindergarten program!? Contact the school at (401) 734-3480 and select 'option 2' -- or email us here anytime. We'd be happy to assist you!