In a letter sent to Warwick Neck School students, the Roger William's Park Zoo executive team thanked the children for their generous donation of time and money that benefits the zoo's ongoing efforts. 

Last school year, on Thursday, June 15th, the 4th grade (now present 5th grade) class coordinated a "Walk-A-Thon" during recess for all students in Grades K-5.  Students could optionally participate in walking laps around the upper field, with bottles of water provided to keep everyone hydrated. The Walk-A-Thon initiative was intended to raise awareness about,  and financial support for, animal conservation efforts at the RWP Zoo. Thanks to the efforts of our 4th grade and the entire student body, $400 was raised and is now being used to create a new home for a serval (an African wildcat) at the Zoo. 

We're so proud of our kids for their kindness and generosity! Thank you to our students and the entire team at the RWP Zoo for promoting animal conservation in our world.

Read the letter sent to Warwick Neck School here.