Week Ahead

Most of the following was sent to the community via "The Weekly Wildcat" email newsletter from our Principal, Mr. Galligan, at 12:35 PM last Thursday, February 6, 2025. Additional, updated notes of mention have since been added:

Dear Warwick Neck Families,

Please note the following special updates as we journey through another week together at Warwick Neck:

Monday Evening, Feb 10th - New High School Construction

-- Warwick Neck's current student population would be among the first to enjoy the new high schools being built. However, a city councilor has drafted a resolution that will significantly impact this possibility.

-- If you are in favor of building the new high schools, please join us on Monday evening, Feb. 10th at 7PM in the City Council Chambers of City Hall (2nd Floor).

Tues., Feb 11th - "Celebrating 100 Days of School "

-- We're 100 days smarter on Tuesday, February 11th -- the 100th Day of School! Students, faculty, and staff are invited to 'celebrate' the day by wearing t-shirts they've made with 100 things drawn or glued onto them. Think stars, smiley faces, buttons, pom-poms, or your favorite things about Warwick Neck School!

-- Some friends are even welcome to dress up like they are 100 years old! (However you decide to celebrate, any outfits should be safe enough for active participation at recess or during PE class.)

-- Please note: The PTA has purchased Smarties candies for all students to celebrate being "smarter" on the 100th day. These smarties will be sent home in backpacks and may be enjoyed at the parent's discretion. If your child cannot receive smarties, please notify the school office via email here.

-- Please note: Participants should not have to pay or buy anything to join in the fun this optional dress up day. Everyone is encouraged to get creative at home and be sure to get parent permission before drawing on or using any old clothing to create your outfits.

Weds., Feb 12th - "Wildcat Wednesday" / 101st Day

-- This Wednesday, Feb. 12th is our monthly school spirit day. Students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to show Warwick Neck pride by dressing in blue, yellow, and wildcat gear.

-- Kindergarten has the annual 101st Day of School Celebration where K friends are invited to dress up as Dalmatians in a fun nod to the classic childhood story and movie. If you are unsure what this is about, please reach out via email to Mrs. Morrissette or Mrs. Wade here. (If it is easier to dress in blue or yellow, please know you are certainly welcome to do that, too! All of the dress up days at school are optional.)]

Thurs., Feb. 13th - (Tentative) - Junior Achievement at Warwick Neck!

-- Given the forecasted storm, this special day may need to be postponed again (already moved once before due to last week's storm) to a later date - potentially in the Spring. We will know more on Wednesday of this week, however tentative plans for the day are listed below.

-- Warwick Neck is thrilled to welcome a team of volunteers from Centerville Bank, all established business professionals in the Warwick Community, trained and working through Junior Achievement RI on Thursday, February 13th for a day of learning and hands-on activities during the entirety of the school day

-- The lessons taught by Junior Achievement RI focus upon understanding business and economics, with topics taught in a manner tailored to the grade-level’s age and understanding.

 -- Additional information about Junior Achievement and its mission can be found here.

Fri., Feb. 14th - Valentine's Day at Warwick Neck

-- At the individual classroom teacher’s discretion, students are welcome to bring in valentines or cards for their class, provided that everyone receives one to avoid hurt feelings, next Friday, Feb. 14th.  

-- Due to the various allergies that exist, candy-based valentines are discouraged. However, any treat associated with the valentine should be in its original wrapper that allows for it to be brought and opened at home with parent-approval. Candy or treat-based valentines cannot be consumed in school.  

-- IMPORTANT: For the above allergy, health, and safety-related reasons, unwrapped candy – and any baked goods or homemade treats - CANNOT be sent into school for sharing (example: cupcakes, donuts, donut holes, etc.). If these items are sent in they will be set aside, not distributed, and politely sent back home with the child who brought them. There are no exceptions to this for safety reasons. Thank you!

-- Please note: PTA Valentine Lollipop Grams will be distributed to students who received them and they will be instructed to enjoy them at home at the individual parent's discretion. Please also note that the PTA Family Dinner-Dance ticket sales also end today.

Click here to return to the home screen -- Or, stay 'in the know' with our complete calendar of events for the 2024-2025 year at Warwick Neck here.