Parents, Guardians, and interested community friends are invited to join us ONLINE for one - or both - of two important meetings that impact your child(ren) on Thursday, February 27, 2025:

School Improvement Team (SIT) - 6 PM

How to join: For security, the joining link will be emailed to members and those interested in participating. Please contact Mr. Galligan here if you'd like to join us online at 6PM.

What is it? The school improvement team is composed of parents, guardians, teachers, staff, and the school principal. It meets regularly to review recent school data and information, while subsequently discussing ideas and strategies to help improve Warwick Neck School.

Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) - 7 PM

How to join: For security, the joining link will be emailed to PTA members and those interested in becoming members of the association. Please contact the PTA here if you'd like additional information on joining the meeting and becoming a PTA member.

What is it? The PTA is composed of parents, guardians, teachers, staff, neighbors, local friends, and the school principal. It plans, organizes, and oversees the running of various fundraisers, family events, and school initiatives that enhance the social, emotional, and educational offerings of Warwick Neck Elementary School. Trunk-or-Treat, A Night in Whoville, Scholastic Book Fairs, Family Dinner-Dances, the annual Color Run, School Assemblies, Field Day - and more! - are all PTA initiatives.

Faculty and Staff who join us are reminded that the PTA link will not work if they are logging in using their WPS email address. Please log out of your school google account if you cannot gain access to the meeting.   

Click here to return to the home screen -- Or, stay 'in the know' with our complete calendar of events for the 2024-2025 year at Warwick Neck here.